LEGO Space 1999 Sets - Price and Size

There are 6 LEGO Space sets in 1999. Megatax is the largest set with 23 pieces.

ImageSet NumberNameYearMSRPPrice Per Brick
LEGO 3070 Mosquito3070Mosquito1999$N/A
LEGO 3071 Light Flyer3071Light Flyer1999$N/A
LEGO 3072 Megatax3072Megatax1999$N/A
LEGO 3073 Kana Booster3073Kana Booster1999$N/A
LEGO 6942 Zo Weevil6942Zo Weevil1999$N/A
LEGO 6943 Speed Sled6943Speed Sled1999$N/A